life lessons

15 Ways to Improve Your Life

There are a zillion things that I need to work on. I gave it some thought, and these are the items that rose to the top of my list.  Exercise. I know you didn’t want to read this (and I didn’t want to write it), but it’s true — exercise improves the quality of your […]


In Memoriam: Frederick Buechner

Frederick Buechner died on August 15, 2022. This hit me like a punch to the stomach. No one has touched me with their writing like Frederick Buechner. When I am writing a sermon and I think I have nothing to say, I read Buechner. When life gets hard, I read Buechner. When I was feeling […]

current events

Birds Might Be Real

This stuff is so crazy. After my last post, I ran into some pictures on the internet of pigeons with cameras attached, and I thought they must be fakes related to Birds Aren’t Real. Boy, was I wrong. The CIA has a website with archival photos of some of the contraptions that they have used […]



A while ago I was on vacation and it was raining. We decided to check out the Charles Hosmer Morse Museum of American Art in Winter Park, Florida. This may not come immediately to mind when thinking about great art museums, but let me just say, if you are ever anywhere near Central Florida, put […]


Birds Aren’t Real

Here’s another conspiracy theory that you may not have heard about — Birds Aren’t Real. (For starters, see my post on Conspiracy Theories.) It plays on the popular fear of the surveillance state, which has been a concern since the publication of George Orwell’s book 1984. From their website, “The Birds Aren’t Real movement […]


Summer 2022 Links

Every once in a while, I’d like to share some of my favorite internet resources with you. Refind. Every day Refind picks 7 links from around the web for you, tailored to your interests. I have found that it selects links that I really enjoy. Browser chooses stories from all around the internet that […]


Conspiracy Theories

People make stuff up. And other people believe them. We seem to have lost our capacity for critical thinking as a society. Here are some of the conspiracy theories that people continue to believe: The earth is flat. It’s hard for me to believe that there are people who believe this, but it turns out […]