
Pickup Cowboy 3

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They went to a small room. Several people had apparently seen the confrontation between the cowboy and the drunk aide.
“You didn’t know the man?”
“Never met him before tonight.”
“Why were you arguing?”
“We weren’t. He made some dumb comments, and we left. I don’t think I said anything.”
“What kind of comments?”
“Dumb stuff. He was trying to make fun of my hat.”
“Why would he do that?”
“I dunno. Maybe he has something against Western wear.” The officer forced a grin.
“Did anyone see you leave?”
“I think everybody did. Ask the people with the Senator. They were right there.”
“We will. Right now I’m going to have to ask you to stay here for the moment.”
“Am I under arrest?”
“No sir. But it will make everything easier if you cooperate.”
The cowboy stayed, and was tired and bored by the time they returned.
“Sorry for the inconvenience, sir. You are free to go.”
“Can I ask a question?”
“What happened out there?”
“All we can say right now is that the man you were talking to was shot. We’re still investigating.”
Thank God it wasn’t the Senator, he thought. He rushed out to find Ann.

When he arrived outside, the police were still not allowing anyone in or out. People in the crowd were saying that it appeared to be an attempt to shoot the Senator, but the aide stumbled into the line of fire, and the shooter ran off. He saw Ann talking to a security guard, and made his way next to her.
“You heard?”
“Yes. I’m glad they don’t think you’re involved. I still haven’t seen Dad though.” She looked more composed, although understandably shook up.

It took some time, but the Senator eventually sent someone out to find Ann, and the couple was escorted into the ballroom. The Senator was sitting in a stackable dining chair, and he looked ten years older.
“Oh, Daddy!”
Ann rushed up and awkwardly hugged him as he sat.
“It’s over now, darlin’. I’m fine.”
“Do they know who it was?”
“I don’t think they’ve found him. They’re checking the cameras. He ran out of here. Don’t worry. He won’t get far.”
The cowboy thought about introducing himself, then thought better about it.
“Look, I know we were going to have dinner, but now I’m going to have to get back to Washington.”
“Ok, Dad. Can I see you next week?”
And the Senator was hustled out of the room and into a limo.
Ann felt disoriented, but suddenly remembered the cowboy and turned around. “I’m sorry. That all happened so fast.”
“Don’t worry. That was crazy.”
“Can we get something to eat? I need to sit down.”
They went to a Barbecue restaurant nearby with a sign out front in the shape of a pig that read “George’s BBQ.” The cowboy was full of questions.
“Why would anyone want to hurt your Dad?”
“Honestly, it could be anyone these days. Every time he votes for something, the people on the other side of the issue make threatening noises.”
“What kinds of issues?”
Ann thought for a moment. “Everything from support for Ukraine to changes in water rights. And don’t forget he’s pro-choice. There are all kinds of crazies on both sides of that one.”
“Has anything like this ever happened before?”
“Threats, but no actions. This really scares me.”
The color was coming back to her face.
“Can we talk tomorrow? I don’t know what to do next, and I’m dead tired.”
“Sure,” said the cowboy. “Let me take you to lunch.”
“I’d like that.” She gave him a peck on the cheek, and they went their separate ways, although the cowboy felt funny about it. He decided to talk to his old friend Kenny. Kenny knew things.

To be continued

Fruitful Detours

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