

As Hurricane Beryl was roaring through the Caribbean toward Mexico and then Texas, I watched the news with the realization that I don’t know much about these storms. So I decided to see what I could find out. The word “hurricane” comes from the name of the Mayan god Hurakan, who blew his mighty breath […]


Radioactive Bananas

I was looking at some YouTube videos about tomatoes, because I wanted some tips before I planted some. While I was browsing I came across a guy who talked about putting chopped-up bananas in the soil under his tomato plants. He thought they provided great nutritional benefits. That got me going on bananas. (Didn’t you […]



Spring has finally arrived in Chicago. I was outside today without a jacket, and it was beautiful. The birds were singing and the breeze was gentle. We all recognize that Spring feels like a time of new life, of rebirth, of starting over. It is no accident that the early church scheduled Easter to coincide […]



I recently went to the Orchid Show at the Chicago Botanical Garden, and I was blown away by the beauty and variety of these flowers. Take a look, and I’ll share some other tidbits that I’ve found. There are over 25,000 different varieties of orchids. They are often found in wet tropical areas, and many […]


The Inner Lives of Animals

Did you ever look at a dog that was looking back with it’s eyes wide and wonder, “What is she thinking?” I’ve been with a number of dogs lately, and that’s been my question.  Because dogs can’t talk, I’m not sure we’ll ever know exactly, but researchers have made some interesting discoveries.  Animal Language It […]



I recently read Jon Mooallem’s book Serious Face (which I highly recommend), and one of his essays got me thinking about clouds. I’ve always loved looking at them and imagining that their shapes looked like something (“That one’s a bear.” “No, it’s a dog.”), but I haven’t been one of those folks who could look […]