philosophy psychology

Dialectical Reasoning

There are a host of conflicting thoughts I’ve been having lately. I support Israel in their fight against Hamas, and I don’t support the way that they are fighting, which hurts far too many innocent civilians. I want to go to some holiday parties to have fun and see friends, and I also want to […]

philosophy psychology religion

Ideas That Shaped Me

The number of great ideas in our world is unlimited. We barely scratch the surface of ideas as we study in school. I’ve always been curious and am constantly on the lookout for helpful theories or new subjects of interest. Here are a few great thinkers that have had a big impact on my life so […]

life lessons philosophy

Why Are We Here?

What is the meaning of life? In a time of political divisions and gun violence, with COVID still peeking around every corner, this question comes up frequently. I talk to lots of people who wonder, What’s the point? Why are we here? Nihilism Or maybe there is no point. Some people have been beaten down so […]