

Don’t get me wrong. I love people. Mostly. There are a few that I really dislike, and that makes me feel guilty. Am I a bad person for not loving everyone? I’m getting off track.  Let me start again. I love people. I enjoy being with them, I like parties (when everyone is not a […]


Memory Glitches

My niece was graduating from college a little while ago, and my wife and I were driving down to Indianapolis from Chicago. Somewhere near Lebanon, Indiana, Lisa said, “Isn’t this where your parents rolled their car?” It sure was. Years ago, my mom somehow drove off the road and their car flipped over. I said, […]

life lessons psychology


Death is treated differently depending on where you go and what your cultural traditions are. In the U.S. death is generally avoided. We know it is out there somewhere coming for all of us, but we would rather not talk about it. Some psychological schools talk about “death anxiety” as a core element of many […]


Little Things

Everyone has bad days. A pain here, a late plane there. But today I’m taking my own advice and listing a few of the things that I’m grateful for.  I’m grateful for: A good breakfast. Today it was oatmeal with blueberries.  Public transportation. When I visit a new city, good trains and buses make it […]

popular culture psychology

Toy Theory

Merry Christmas! For the children among us (or for those of us who never grew up) Christmas is a holiday that is focused on toys. As adults, we want those toys to have two functions: make our kids happy, and teach them things. Toys have become increasingly sophisticated, such that now some toys incorporate as […]

philosophy psychology

Dialectical Reasoning

There are a host of conflicting thoughts I’ve been having lately. I support Israel in their fight against Hamas, and I don’t support the way that they are fighting, which hurts far too many innocent civilians. I want to go to some holiday parties to have fun and see friends, and I also want to […]

philosophy psychology religion

Ideas That Shaped Me

The number of great ideas in our world is unlimited. We barely scratch the surface of ideas as we study in school. I’ve always been curious and am constantly on the lookout for helpful theories or new subjects of interest. Here are a few great thinkers that have had a big impact on my life so […]


Infinite Loops

Imagine waking up and thinking that what you are experiencing is just like yesterday. You could be in an infinite loop. What is an infinite loop, exactly? In computer programming, it is a set of instructions that cannot logically end. Take a look at the diagram below. If you start to follow the steps, you […]



When I was a teenager, I saw the most amazing thing. I stayed up late one night to watch The Tonight Show, and Johnny Carson had a guest who named every member of the audience. Before the show, he had each person say their name once. It was incredible to watch, and it seemed like […]



Nostalgia  I’ve been going through a box of keepsakes recently, taking pictures of items that I no longer want to keep. Going through the box has led me into some forgotten memories — my son’s report card in junior high, the program from my high school graduation, a poem my grandfather gave me, and pictures […]