art travel

Art in Madrid

Madrid is a beautiful city, and the impression that stays with me is that it is a city of art. The architecture is lovely, and there are a large number of pieces of public art on the streets and in the parks. The most amazing works, however, are behind museum walls. There are over 20 […]



I decided to travel to Granada, Spain based on a painting. It wasn’t just that, of course, but my wife and I have enjoyed a colorful painting we bought of the amazing Alhambra for years, and I wanted to see it for myself.  The Alhambra really is amazing. Historians are unsure about when it was […]


Realities of Travel

When I’m at home, I’m usually thinking about where I want to travel. The world is so big, and I don’t have enough time or money to see everything that I want to see. I watch videos about various places, and they are all lovely, and the food looks amazing. It’s hard to figure out […]



Córdoba, Spain is a beautiful old city with a lot of history. This is another stop on my continuing Spanish language tour, with more stops in Spain coming up.  Spain has a number of beautiful cities, but I chose Córdoba because of one amazing church — the Mezquita-Catedral. It was originally built in 785 as […]



This is the most quirky and fascinating city I’ve been to in Mexico. It is beautiful due to its brightly colored buildings and its interesting geography — it is situated in a valley surrounded by mountains. Think of a city at the bottom of a cereal bowl, with houses of vivid colors built up the […]


Maps Are Cool

I grew up in a time before digital maps. The streetmaps we used were paper. My Dad used to really like them. When we would go on road trip vacations, he would use the opportunity to teach us how to read maps. “You have to get it into your head,” he would say. “You have […]



My friend John recently bought a house in Tuscany southeast of Siena, and he generously invited us to come over and stay for a while. We had a wonderful time, and it was beautiful. I don’t have a lot to say in this post, but I thought I would share some of the things we […]



Alaska is intensely beautiful. Just the color of the glaciers is a blue that looks both clear and somehow alive.  I just got home from a cruise to Alaska through what is named The Inside Passage. It is just a tiny sliver in the Southeastern corner of this enormous state.  From the ship we could […]



I recently spent a few days in Detroit, where I grew up.  The city has gone through a tremendous transformation — from a vibrant manufacturing hub to a collection of vacant and dilapidated buildings alongside new construction struggling to become relevant once again.  When I lived there, the population reached 1.8 million. Today, there are […]



All roads lead here. Mine did too, recently. One of my nieces is studying international business here, so I went to visit. Rome is an overwhelming place. Everywhere you turn there is something lovely, or ancient, or full of calories. After spending a week here, I was able to scratch the surface and see some […]